RP6502-RIA ########## Rumbledethumps Picocomputer 6502 Interface Adapter. .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: 1. Introduction =============== The RP6502 Interface Adapter (RIA) is a Raspberry Pi Pico with RP6502-RIA firmware. The RIA provides all essential services to support a WDC W65C02S microprocessor. 1.1. Features of the RP6502-RIA ------------------------------- * Advanced CMOS process technology for low power consumption * Reset and clock management * ROM loader * UART * Stereo audio * USB MSC - Hard drives and flash drives * USB HID - Keyboards, mice, and game controllers * PIX bus for GPUs like the RP6502-VGA 2. Functional Description ========================= The RIA must be installed at $FFE0-$FFFF and must be in control of RESB and PHI2. These are the only requirements. Everything else about your Picocomputer can be customized. A new RIA will boot to the the kernel CLI. This CLI can be accessed from VGA and keyboard, or from the serial console. The kernel CLI is not currently documented here. The built-in help is extensive and always up-to-date. Type 'help'. The kernel CLI can be used in two ways. There are commands to install ROM files to the RIA EEPROM which can boot on power up. You may also use the CLI to load programs from a USB drive or development system. If not using the :doc:`vga` system, the UART can be directly connected to. Use 115200 8N1. 2.1. Reset ---------- When the 6502 is in reset, meaning RESB is low and it is not running, the kernel monitor CLI is available for use. If the 6502 has crashed or the current application has no way to exit, you can put the 6502 back into reset in two ways. Using a USB keyboard, press CTRL-ALT-DEL. The USB stack runs on the Pi Pico so this will work even if the 6502 has crashed. Over the UART, send a break. This can be used by a build system to upload and test programs. MacOS isn't capable of sending a break with its CDC driver. A common workaround is to drop the baud rate significantly so a bit sequence of zeros will look like a break. The :doc:`vga` CDC implementation has a hack to detect a full byte of zeros within 100ms of changing the baud rate to 1200. .. code-block:: bash stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 1200 && echo -ne '\0' > /dev/ttyACM0 WARNING! Do not hook up a physical button to RESB. The RIA must remain in control of RESB. What you probably want is the reset that happens from the RIA RUN pin. We call this a reboot. The reference hardware reboot button is hooked up to the RIA RUN pin. Rebooting the Pi Pico RIA like this will cause any configured boot ROM to load, like at power on. Resetting the 6502 from keyboard or UART will only return you to the kernel CLI, which is great for devlopment and hacking. 2.2. Registers -------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 5 5 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Address - Name - Description * - $FFE0 - READY - Flow control for UART FIFO. * bit 7 - TX FIFO not full. Ok to send. * bit 6 - RX FIFO has data ready. * - $FFE1 - TX - Write bytes to the UART. * - $FFE2 - RX - Read bytes from the UART. * - $FFE3 - VSYNC - Increments every 1/60 second when PIX VGA device is connected. * - $FFE4 - RW0 - Read or write the XRAM referenced by ADDR0. * - $FFE5 - STEP0 - Signed byte added to ADDR0 after every access to RW0. * - | $FFE6 - | $FFE7 - ADDR0 - Address of XRAM for RW0. * - $FFE8 - RW1 - Read or write the XRAM referenced by ADDR1. * - $FFE9 - STEP1 - Signed byte added to ADDR1 after every access to RW1. * - | $FFEA - | $FFEB - ADDR1 - Address of XRAM for RW1. * - $FFEC - XSTACK - 512 bytes for passing call parameters. * - $FFED - ERRNO_LO - Low byte of errno. All errors fit in this byte. * - $FFEE - ERRNO_HI - Ensures errno is an optionally a 16-bit int. * - $FFEF - OP - Write the API operation id here to begin a kernel call. * - $FFF0 - IRQ - Set bit 0 high to enable VSYNC interrupts. Verify source with VSYNC then read or write this register to clear interrupt. * - $FFF1 - RETURN - Always $80, BRA. Entry to blocking API return. * - $FFF2 - BUSY - Bit 7 high while operation is running. * - $FFF3 - LDA - Always $A9. * - $FFF4 - A - Kernel register A. * - $FFF5 - LDX - Always $A2. * - $FFF6 - X - Kernel register X. * - $FFF7 - RTS - Always $60. * - | $FFF8 - | $FFF9 - SREG - 32-bit extension to AX - AXSREG. * - | $FFFA - | $FFFB - NMIB - 6502 vector. * - | $FFFC - | $FFFD - RESB - 6502 vector. * - | $FFFE - | $FFFF - BRK/IRQB - 6502 vector. 2.3. UART --------- Easy and direct access to the UART RX/TX pins of the :doc:`ria` is available from $FFE0-$FFE2. The ready flags on bits 6-7 enable testing with the BIT operator. You may choose to use these or STDIN and STDOUT from the :doc:`api`. Using the UART directly while a STDIN or STDOUT kernel function is in progress will result in undefined behavior. 2.4. Extended RAM (XRAM) ------------------------ RW0 and RW1 are two portals to the same 64K XRAM. Having only one portal would make moving XRAM very slow since data would have to buffer in 6502 RAM. Ideally, you won't move XRAM and can use the pair for better optimizations. STEP0 and STEP1 are reset to 1. These are signed so you can go backwards and reverse data. These adders allow for very fast sequential access, which typically make up for the slightly slower random access as compared to 6502 RAM. RW0 and RW1 are latching. This is important to remember when other systems change XRAM. For example, when using readx() to load XRAM from a mass storage device, this will not work as expected: .. code-block:: C RIA_ADDR0 = 0x1000; readx(0x1000, 1, 3); uint8_t result = RIA_RW0; // wrong Setting ADDR after the expected XRAM change will latch RW to the latest value. .. code-block:: C readx(0x1000, 1, 3); RIA_ADDR0 = 0x1000; uint8_t result = RIA_RW0; // correct 2.5. Extended Stack (XSTACK) ---------------------------- This is 512 bytes of last-in, first-out, top-down stack used for the fastcall mechanism described in the :doc:`api`. Reading past the end is guaranteed to return zeros. 2.6. Extended Registers (XREG) ------------------------------ .. list-table:: :widths: 5 5 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Address - Name - Description * - $0:0:00 - KEYBOARD - See Keyboard section * - $0:0:01 - MOUSE - See Mouse section * - $0:0:02 - GAMEPADS - See Gamepads section * - $0:1:00 - PSG - See Programmable Sound Generator section 3. Pico Information Exchange (PIX) ================================== The limited numbers of GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi Pico required creating a new bus for high bandwidth devices like video systems. This is an addressable broadcast system which any number of devices can listen to. 3.1. Physical layer ------------------- The physical layer is designed to be easily decoded by Pi Pico PIO, which is just a fancy shift register. The signals used are PHI2 and PIX0-3. This is a double data rate bus with PIX0-3 shifted left on both transitions of PHI2. A frame consists of 32 bits transmitted over 4 cycles of PHI2. Bit 28 (0x10000000) is the framing bit. This bit will be set in all messages. An all zero payload is repeated on device ID 7 when the bus is idle. A receiver will synchronize by ensuring PIX0 is high on a low transition of PHI2. If it is not, stall until the next clock cycle. Bits 31-29 (0xE0000000) indicate the device ID number for a message. Device 0 is allocated to :doc:`ria`. Device 0 is also overloaded to broadcast XRAM. Device 1 is allocated to :doc:`vga`. Devices 2-6 are available for user expansion. Device 7 is used for synchronization. Because 0xF0000000 is hard to miss on test equipment. Bits 27-24(0x0F000000) indicate the channel ID number for a message. Each device can have 16 channels. Bits 23-16(0x00FF0000) indicate the register address in the channel on the device. Bits 15-0(0x0000FFFF) is a value to store in the register. 3.2. PIX Extended RAM (XRAM) ---------------------------- All changes to the 64KB of XRAM on the RIA will be broadcast on PIX device 0. Bits 15-0 is the XRAM address. Bits 23-16 is the XRAM data. This goes out on the wire, but is never seen by the SDK. Device 0, as seen by the SDK, is the RIA itself and has no need to go out the wire. PIX devices will maintain a replica of the XRAM they use. Typically, all 64K is replicated and an XREG set by the application will point to a configuration structure in XRAM. 3.3. PIX Extended Registers (XREG) ---------------------------------- PIX devices may use bits 27-0 however they choose. The suggested division of this bits is: Bits 27-24 indicate a channel. For example, the RIA device has a channel for audio, a channel for keyboard and mouse, a channel for Wifi, and so on. Bits 23-16 is an extended register address. Bits 15:0 for the payload. So we have seven PIX devices, each with 16 internal channels having 256 16-bit registers. The idea is to use extended registers to point to structures in XRAM. Changing XREG is setup, changing XRAM causes the device to respond. 4. Keyboard =========== The RIA can provide direct access to keyboard data. This is intended for applications that need to detect both key up and down events or the modifier keys. You may instead use the UART or stdin if you don't need this kind of direct access. Enable and disable direct keyboard access by mapping it to an address in extended RAM. .. code-block:: C xreg(0, 0, 0x00, xaddr); // enable xreg(0, 0, 0x00, 0xFFFF); // disable Extended RAM will be continuously updated with a bit array of USB HID keyboard codes. Note that these are not the same as PS/2 scancodes. Each bit represents one key with the first four bits having special meaning. | * 0 - No key pressed | * 1 - Overflow - too many keys pressed | * 2 - Num Lock on | * 3 - Caps Lock on .. code-block:: C uint8_t keyboard[32]; #define key(code) (keyboard[code >> 3] & \ (1 << (code & 7))) 5. Mouse ======== The RIA can provide direct access to mouse information. Enable and disable by mapping it to an address in extended RAM. .. code-block:: C xreg(0, 0, 0x01, xaddr); // enable xreg(0, 0, 0x01, 0xFFFF); // disable This sets the address in extended RAM for a structure containing direct mouse input. .. code-block:: C struct { uint8_t buttons; uint8_t x; uint8_t y; uint8_t wheel; uint8_t pan; } mouse; The amount of movement is computed by keeping track of the previous values and subtracting from the current value. Vsync timing (60Hz) isn't always fast enough. For perfect mouse input with fast mice, use an ISR at 8ms or faster (125Hz). .. code-block:: C int8_t delta_x = current_x - prev_x; | Mouse buttons are a bitfield: | 0 - LEFT | 1 - RIGHT | 2 - MIDDLE | 3 - BACKWARD | 4 - FORWARD 6. Gamepads =========== The RIA supports up to two Sony DualShock 4 controllers connected via USB. Enable and disable access to the RIA gamepad XRAM registers by setting the extended register. The register value is the XRAM start address of the XRAM registers. Any invalid address disables the gamepads. .. code-block:: C xreg(0, 0, 0x02, xaddr); // enable xreg(0, 0, 0x02, 0xFFFF); // disable Extended memory will be continuously updated with gamepad information. The 9 byte structure described here repeats for a total of 18 bytes representing two controllers. Disconnected controllers will report BTN1 bits 0-3 as 0xF. .. list-table:: :widths: 1 1 20 :header-rows: 1 * - Offset - Name - Description * - 0 - LX - Left stick X position. 0=left, 128=center, 255=right * - 1 - LY - Left stick Y position. 0=up, 128=center, 255=down * - 2 - RX - Right stick X position. * - 3 - RY - Right stick Y position. * - 4 - BTN1 - Main buttons * bits 0-3: Direction pad. 15=disconnected, 8=released, 7=NW, 6=W, 5=SW, 4=S, 3=SE, 2=E, 1=NE, 0=N * bit 4: square button * bit 5: cross button * bit 6: circle button * bit 7: triangle button * - 5 - BTN2 - Extended buttons * bit 0: L1 button * bit 1: R1 button * bit 2: L2 button * bit 3: R2 button * bit 4: Share button * bit 5: Option button * bit 6: L3 button * bit 7: R3 button * - 6 - BTN3 - Sony buttons * bit 0: PlayStation button * bit 1: Touch Pad button * - 7 - L2 - Left analog trigger position. 0-255 * - 8 - R2 - Right analog trigger position. 0-255 7. Programmable Sound Generator =============================== The RIA includes a Programmable Sound Generator (PSG). It is configured with extended register device 0 channel 1 address 0x00. * Eight 24kHz 8-bit oscillator channels. * Five waveforms. Sine, Square, Sawtooth, Triangle, Noise. * ADSR envelope. Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release. * Stereo panning. * PWM for all waveforms. Each of the eight oscillators requires eight bytes of XRAM for configuration. The unused byte is padding so multiplication is a fast bit shift. .. code-block:: C typedef struct { unsigned int freq; unsigned char duty; unsigned char vol_attack; unsigned char vol_decay; unsigned char wave_release; unsigned char pan_gate; unsigned char unused; } ria_psg_t; Internally, the audio is generated by Pulse Width Modulation. A decoupling and low pass filter circuit converts the digital signal into line-level analog. Enable and disable the RIA PSG by setting the extended register. The register value is the XRAM start address for the 64 bytes of config. This start address must be int aligned. Any invalid address disables the PSG. .. code-block:: C xreg(0, 1, 0x00, xaddr); // enable xreg(0, 1, 0x00, 0xFFFF); // disable All configuration changes take effect immediately. This allows for effects like panning, slide instruments, and other CPU-driven shenanigans. The gate is checked at the sample rate of 24kHz. If, for example, you unset and set it between one pair of audio output samples, then it will not begin a new ADSR cycle. .. list-table:: :widths: 5 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description * - freq - 0-65535 Oscillator frequency as Hertz * 3. This results in a resolution of 1/3 Hz. * - duty - 0-255 (0-100%) Duty cycle of oscillator. This affects all waveforms. * - vol_attack - Attack volume and rate. * bits 7-4 - 0-15 volume attenuation. * bits 3-0 - 0-15 attack rate. * - vol_decay - Decay volume and rate. * bits 7-4 - 0-15 volume attenuation. * bits 3-0 - 0-15 decay rate. * - wave_release - Waveform and release rate. * bits 7-4 - 0=sine, 1=square, 2=sawtooth, 3=triangle, 4=noise. * bits 3-0 - 0-15 release rate. * - pan_gate - Stereo pan and gate. * bits 7-1 - Pan -63(left) to 63(right). * bits 0 - 1=attack/decay/sustain, 0=release. Value table. ADR rates are the time it takes for a full volume change. Volume attenuation is logarithmic. .. list-table:: :widths: 1 1 1 20 :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Attack - Decay/Release - Attenuation Multiplier * - 0 - 2ms - 6ms - 256/256 (loud) * - 1 - 8ms - 24ms - 204/256 * - 2 - 16ms - 48ms - 168/256 * - 3 - 24ms - 72ms - 142/256 * - 4 - 38ms - 114ms - 120/256 * - 5 - 56ms - 168ms - 102/256 * - 6 - 68ms - 204ms - 86/256 * - 7 - 80ms - 240ms - 73/256 * - 8 - 100ms - 300ms - 61/256 * - 9 - 250ms - 750ms - 50/256 * - 10 - 500ms - 1.5s - 40/256 * - 11 - 800ms - 2.4s - 31/256 * - 12 - 1s - 3s - 22/256 * - 13 - 3s - 9s - 14/256 * - 14 - 5s - 15s - 7/256 * - 15 - 8s - 24s - 0/256 (silent)